Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crazy Morning!!

The following is an email I sent to Josh regarding the cinnamon rolls that I'm bringing to his work today...

      Luke got into the refrigerator while I was giving Elizabeth a bath.  Isabella came up and said, "Sharkboy spilled eggs".  What?!?  I ran downstairs and sure enough, there were about 6 eggs that were a mess all over the floor.  There were 3 semi-cracked eggs besides the 6 that I was able to save.  Luke had egg on his clothes too.  At least It wasn't bad enough that he needed another bath.  I was able to change his clothes all the while the baby is screaming her head off naked on our bed.  Luckily, by the time I got back to her she hadn't peed or pooped.  I got her dressed, plopped her in the bjorn and was able to fix, Luke, Isabella's and her hair.  I look like like crap, but at least my kids are cute right??
These cinnamon rolls are NOT going to be ready in time.  They've been rising since 7:30.  It's 9:15 now and I'm not seeing much of a difference.  I think I'll have to drop them off at pick-up time instead.  I hope that's okay.  I'm really disappointed.  I should've made the dough last night.  Sorry.

Okay... things are better now.


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