Friday, April 15, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers

We had a huge rain/hail storm last night.I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I'm surprised it woke me up.Not to worry, I was back to sleep in a jiff. I did, however, find my 4 year old in bed with me when I woke up this morning. I didn't even notice that she had come in either. I'm going to have to improve on that soon before she becomes a teenager.
My friend Michiyo Clark took this picture of Isabella at the park.

My friend Lani Taumoli took this picture of Elizabeth.

After a long day of work Josh gets to snuggle with Elizabeth.

Close up of snuggle time with daddy.

Assume the usual position for the day.

When Luke can't play outside he gets sad.

Luke's new favorite place to play.

Fun Easter hair.


Elizabeth Reid said...

LOVE the Easter hair! I'm very impressed that you can not only do that, but that you can do that with two other kids keeping you busy!

Trevor and Liz Covington said...

yeah that easter hair is pretty awesome!!!!