Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Luke's 3rd Birthday

I can't believe Luke is 3!! He is growing up so fast. I love to watch him play and feel his zest for life.  It's really cute to watch him when he starts to get tired after a long day.  When this happens he'll perk right up and start running laps around the downstairs, all while making super hero fighting and web slinging (spiderman) sounds.
He started potty training on the 5th of June and officially was trained on the 11th of July.  He's been my fastest and easiest trainee thus far.  Let's hope that Elizabeth and the new little one on the way will be just as easy.....Now, if only I could get him to stop making messes!!!

The, "Lotion" mess.  Ugh! That was not fun to clean.  At least he smelled good after. It could have been a lot worse.  It could have been Desitin instead of the lotion.

Potty training under way.  Luke decided that it would be fun to wear his, "underwear" as "overwear" on this day.

One of the highlights of Luke's birthday was washing the car with Daddy.  The kids had a blast!

Sidewalk chalk and Baking a Birthday Cake with Dad.  Dad did a lot this day in case you were wondering...

I didn't plan an "official" birthday party for Luke.  After having Isabella's party we thought that we'd hold off on doing birthday parties until Luke actually asks for one.  Oh yeah, and we'll be downsizing our parties too.  Bella's party was way too much.
Fortunately, my good friend Emily asked to stop by with some goodies.  I was so glad because she brought her kids over with her and we were at least able to have some semblance of a party.   It was a good thing too, because Isabella kept talking to Luke about parties and presents.  He was ready for a party by the time they got there.  I guess we'll have to put the parties back "on" again.  There still will be downsizing though...
Luke's party with the Parma kids

Those Gilbert the shark books are great.  I had never heard of it before.  I like them a lot!

Cute little tushy!

Blowing out the candles

Squirt Guns.  He got his clothes soaked for a couple of weeks because of these.  It was my fault though.  Instead of playing with him, I just put a bucket of water outside and showed him how to fill the squirt guns up.  He took it away from there.  It seemed like I always found him standing/sitting in the bucket.

I. Love. This. Hat!!! Thank you Aunt Janet!

The Hulk

Happy birthday sweetie.  We love you so much!

The Lotion Mess
Sidewalk Chalk

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Sharee said...

You did such an awesome job on those cupcakes!!